The styleSPACE system is a program of office partitions with a thickness of only 50mm. The spectacular thing about this size is that it can be equipped with a 10 to 12mm. glass centered or lateral, 10 to 12mm. double glazing, 10 or 13mm. double blind panel in continuous solutions (bone joints) and framed (joints with profiles), matching the characteristics of wider systems. styleSPACE seeks the most optimal relationship between profile widths to find the best aesthetics and enhance its adaptability, guaranteeing its disassembly and reuse. styleSPACE seeks the most optimal relationship between profile widths to find the best aesthetics and enhance its adaptability, guaranteeing its disassembly and reuse. styleSPACE’s reduced thickness is both space and cost saving. The reduction of thickness is both space and cost saving. styleSPACE is complemented by the styleDOOR 50/50 system to achieve door leaves aligned both inside and outside, achieving a total flatness of the wall and guaranteeing the same appearance and technical characteristics throughout the wall. styleSPACE is a program of multipurpose office partitions that allows separating spaces in any type of building, whether in offices, hotels, hospitals, schools, airports…
Characteristics of the system:
Thickness: 50mm.
Glazing: From 6mm. to 12mm.
Blind: from 10mm. to 12mm.
Glazing: Single and Double.
Frames: Continuous and framed.
Acoustics: Up to 47dB-ISO717.
Resistance: 350Kn/m2.
Hmax: 4000mm.
Economic modulation: 1200mm.
Clearance: +/-30mm.
Disassembly = 100%.
Reusable = 100%.
Mamparas para oficina de 50mm: styleSPACE
Office partitions for offices with floors and ceilings.
styleSPACE has two ways of fastening to ceilings and floors: one with a skirting board that allows us to bridge greater height differences +/-30mm. and the other with direct anchoring. +/-The choice will logically depend on the dismantling and reuse in the different areas of the space as well as its visual impact. The profiles are equipped with tesamol to guarantee contact with the surfaces.
Vertical joints between office partition modules.
styleSPACE has the possibility of joining glass to bone or framed with 20mm profiles. In this way it is possible to obtain glass walls 100% free of profiles or to build the same wall by making grids, to cut the glass wall in strategic areas of the design, to save walls that face the wall in a perpendicular way.
All the finishes are made of aluminum with acoustic material.
Encuentros horizontales entre módulos de mamparas para oficina.
styleSPACE is able to replicate the vertical solution in the horizontal ones being able to obtain reticules with perfect proportions, thanks to the fixing system of the window these can be placed at the desired height and in the quantity that is needed, it is also possible to break the proportions to obtain effects of chaotic, inclined, curved… display.
All finishes are made of aluminum with acoustic material.
Single glazing systems in office partitions.
styleSPACE supports single glass systems ranging from 10mm to 12mm thick, tempered glass, laminated glass, acoustic glass… with the possibility of presenting it both in the center of the system and on the side of the wall to achieve exterior and interior flatness. Thus, in the same project, different effects of continuity or scaling of the glass can be achieved on the dividing partitions.
Double glazing systems in office partitions.
styleSPACE this is the trend of the new office concept reaching maximum acoustic and thermal levels by means of double glazing and the resulting chamber being able to play with different thicknesses (6mm, 8mm, 10mm. and 12mm.), types (annealed, laminated, tempered, acoustic…) and different glass finishes (transparent, tinted, painted…) to achieve the desired and required insulation and projection on the wall.
Blind and mixed partition systems for offices.
styleSPACE completes its enormous power of transformation with the ability to be blind with double panels of melamine, laminate, vinyl, fabric, varnished natural wood… being 100% compatible with the different configurations of 1 glass and 2 glasses and interchangeable between them. It is possible to intercalate between glasses, to make independent elevations… as we said in the presentation we invite you to play “Lego” and to challenge us with your imagination.